“A Brief Introduction to the Just Third Way.”
Cartoon presentation and narration by Astrid Uytterhaegen (2014)

“From a Student’s Perspective: Taking Back What We Created.”
Speech by American University student Leda Kennedy, delivered at Federal Reserve, April 2014.

“Growing, Owning, Sharing: Using Central Banks to Finance Farmer-Owned Green Energy Production”
Interview of Norman G. Kurland (President of the Center for Economic and Social Justice) by Martin Smith (CEO of United Global Co-Opportunities) on the Just Third Way.

“What Capital Homesteading Would Mean for Small Business”
Presentation by Dave Hamill at the Lincoln Memorial (April 2012)

“Why We Rally at the Fed.”
Rev. Robert Brantley at the 2012 Rally at the Fed.

“A Just Third Way Intro — Thinking Outside the Box” (video remix produced by Guy Stevenson). Uploaded on 5/14/11).  Russell Williams, radio host of “The Challenge” (WKND 1480-AM, Hartford, CT). interviews Norman Kurland, President of CESJ, who explains the basic elements of a 21st Century socio-economic alternative to capitalism and socialism.

Pres. Ronald Reagan, 1987 speech praising “High Road to Economic Justice,” report of the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice

“Norman Kurland Explains Binary Economics in Practical Terms,” interview by Molly Cheshire (2010)

Louis O. Kelso-Mike Wallace Interview, 1974 “60 Minutes” Show

Norman Kurland testifies at the 1992 Congressional Black Caucus

Rev. Walter Fauntroy, Part I: “Lincoln’s Vision for the Twenty-First Century,” 2007,
“Focus on the Fed” Rally at the Lincoln Memorial Rally

“Own or be Owned Bears,” animated video by Guy Stevenson, with music by Dan Moore and Michael Stout (uploaded 4/6/11). A humorous explanation of why every citizen should “Own the Fed” and not simply “End the Fed,” and how the “Capital Homestead Act” would create equal capital ownership opportunities through universal citizen and worker access to productive credit and asset-backed money issued by the Federal Reserve and local banks.